Naval Kishor Pandey
Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Naval Kishor Pandey contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
1995 for Vidhan Sabha from Barh
LOST against Vijay Krishna
with 0% vote share
Vijay Krishna JD30,667
Bhuvneshwar Pd. Singh Alias Pappu Jee SAP26,851
Sachida Nand Singh IND26,417
Rama Nand Singh INC6,435
Bindeshwari Pd. Singh BJP4,275
Bipin Kumar Nirala BPP3,514
Kalim Ahmad IND2,126
Vivekanand Singh SHS1,137
Sashi Kant Singh IND595
Baleshwar Paswan IND463
Mukesh Kumar Singh PSSS446
Sitamochi IND400
Gopal Pandey IND389
Sachidanand Rai SP372
Lalan Pd. Singh IND343
Ram Dass Rai DDP318
Sankuntala Singh SJP(R)292
Jabahar Sao IND292
Vijaya Nand ABDBM279
Mundirka Pd. Singh IND265
Satendra Kumar Singh IND195
Rajiv Nayan IND187
Bijendra Singh IND178
Parmod Kumar IND175
Chandrashekhar Parsad IND173
Satendra Persann Singh IND164
Naval Kishore Pandey IND162
Vijay Kumar IND159
Satendrakumar IND153
Vijay Krishna Vidyarthi IND152
Dinesh Singh IND147
Shiv Kumar Singh IND142
Rana Gajendrasingh IND128
Anil Paswan IND121
Ranveer Kumar IND115
Ramaashary Yadav IND105
Dularchand Yadav IND105
Arjun Yadav IND100
Ambika Yadav IND74
Sugendra Parsad IND51
1990 for Vidhan Sabha from Gobindganj
LOST against Yogendra Pandey
with 1% vote share