Assembly Election Race in Chowkham
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Chow Tewa Mien
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Chow Tewa Mien | JNP | 4,542 |
Chau Khouk Manpoong | PPA | 3,036 |
Omam Deori | IND | 2,781 |
C.A. Gohain | IND | 457 |
Winner: Chau Khouk Manpoong
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Chau Khouk Manpoong | PPA | 6,089 |
Chow Tewa Mien | INC | 5,402 |
Winner: C.P. Namshoom
Candidate | Party | Votes |
C.P. Namshoom | IND | 5,816 |
Chau Khouk Manpoong | INC | 5,634 |
Sinai | IND | 1,347 |
G.C. Deori Lapfroo | IND | 509 |
Winner: Sokio Dellang
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Sokio Dellang | IND | 1,762 |
Chow Tewa Mein | JD | 1,422 |
Chow Chandret Gohain | IND | 1,243 |
Chow Tiyat Manjeykhun | INC | 1,211 |
Winner: Chow Tewa Mein
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Chow Tewa Mein | INC | 3,793 |
Indrajit Namchoom | JD | 2,949 |
Sokio Dellang | JP | 993 |
Tasaso Yun | BJP | 241 |
Winner: Indrajit Namchoom
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Indrajit Namchoom | IND | 4,429 |
Chow Tewa Mein | INC | 3,200 |
Tasaso Yun | BJP | 471 |
Winner: Chow Tewa Mein
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Chow Tewa Mein | BJP | 2,431 |
Chow Indrajit Namchoom | IND | 1,796 |
Nang Frica Namshum | INC | 1,721 |
Sokio Dellang | IND | 1,615 |
Chow Noumee Namshoom | NCP | 800 |
Winner: Chow Tewa Mein
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Chow Tewa Mein | INC | 6,279 |
Chow Chinakong | NCP | 4,023 |
Winner: Chow Tewa Mein
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Chow Tewa Mein | INC | 5,578 |
Sotai Kri | BJP | 2,684 |
Chow Rajanam Namchoom | IND | 802 |
Soto Thalai | IND | 783 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 170 |
Winner: Chowna Mein
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Chowna Mein | BJP | 8,908 |
Khunang Kri | INC | 1,617 |
Nota | NOTA | 334 |